Image Display Examples

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division, absolute_import

import io

import IPython
from ipywidgets import widgets
import PIL.Image

from widget_canvas import CanvasImage
from widget_canvas.image import read

Load some image data

In [2]:
data_image = read('images/Whippet.jpg')


(220, 320, 3)

Matplotlib imshow()

Matplotlib is a great high-quality data display tool used by lots of people for a long time. It has long been my first choice for interactive data exploration on my PC when I want a native GUI framework. But when I use the IPython Notebook I want my interactive display tools to live entirely in the world of HTML and JavaScript. Static image display works fine enough (see the example below), but fully-interactive displays are still a work in progress. Ultimately I need compatibility with IPython widgets and Matplotlib is not there yet.

In [3]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline



IPython's Built-in Image Widget

The IPython built-in image widget accepts as input a string of byte data representing an already-compressed image. The compressed image data is synchronized from the Python backend to the Notebook's Javascript frontend and copied into the widget's image element for display.

The upside of this display widget is simplicity of implementaion. The downside is the depth of understanding and complexity of implementation required of the user. I want an easy-to-use image display widget that readily accepts Numpy arrays as input.

In [4]:
def compress_to_bytes(data, fmt):
    Helper function to compress image data via PIL/Pillow.
    buff = io.BytesIO()
    img = PIL.Image.fromarray(data), format=fmt)
    return buff.getvalue()

In [5]:
# Compress the image data.
fmt = 'png'
data_comp = compress_to_bytes(data_image, fmt)

# Display first 100 bytes of compressed data just for fun.


In [6]:
# Built-in IPython image widget.
wid_builtin = widgets.Image(value=data_comp)

wid_builtin.border_color = 'black'
wid_builtin.border_width = 2


In [7]:
# At one point during development the above image was stretched out to the full width of containing cell. 
# Not sure why. The two lines below are meant to address that problem.
wid_builtin.width = data_image.shape[1]
wid_builtin.height = data_image.shape[0]

Canvas Element with Basic HTML and JavaScript

The HTML5 Canvas Element is a great tool for displaying images and drawing artwork onto a bitmap surface in the browser. It has built-in support for mouse events plus size and rotation transforms.

The example below uses HTML and JavaScript to display an image to a canvas element. But since the image originates from a local data file and not a remote URL, a special URL form must be used to encode the image data into something compatible. See mozilla and wikipedia for details.

The above example already compressed the original image data into a sequence of bytes. Now those bytes need to be encoded into a form that will survive delivery over the internet.


In [8]:
import base64

data_encode = base64.b64encode(data_comp)

# Display first 100 bytes of compressed and encoded data just for fun.


In [9]:
# Compare sizes.
print('Original Image:      {:7d} bytes (raw)'.format(data_image.size))
print('Compressed:          {:7d} bytes ({})'.format(len(data_comp), fmt))
print('Compressed & Encoded:{:7d} bytes (base64)'.format(len(data_encode)))

Original Image:       211200 bytes (raw)
Compressed:            81461 bytes (png)
Compressed & Encoded: 108616 bytes (base64)

In [10]:
# The decoding step here is necesary since we need to interpret byte data as text.
# See this link for a nice explanation:

enc = 'utf-8'
data_url = 'data:image/{:s};charset={};base64,{:s}'.format(fmt, enc, data_encode.decode(encoding=enc))

So that takes care of getting the data ready. Next we use some HTML and JavaScript to display the image right here in the notebook.

In [11]:
doc_html = \
        <canvas id='hello_example' style='border: solid black 2px'/>

template_js = \
// Embedded data URI goes right here.
var url = "{}"

// Get the canvas element plus corresponding drawing context
var canvas = document.getElementById('hello_example');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

// Create a hidden <img> element to manage incoming data.
var img = new Image();

// Add new-data event handler to the hidden <img> element.
img.onload = function () {{
    // This function will be called when new image data has finished loading
    // into the <img> element.  This new data will be the source for drawing
    // onto the Canvas.

    // Set canvas geometry.
    canvas.width = img.width = img.width + 'px'

    canvas.height = img.height = img.height + 'px'

    // Draw new image data onto the Canvas.
    context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

// Assign image URL.
img.src = url

doc_js = template_js.format(data_url)

In [12]:
# Display the HTML via IPython display hook.
IPython.display.display_html(doc_html, raw=True)

# Update HTML canvas element with some JavaScript.
IPython.display.display_javascript(doc_js, raw=True)

My New Canvas Widget

My new canvas widget is simpler to use than IPython's built-in image display widget since it takes a Numpy array as input. Behind the scenes it takes care of compressing and encoding the data and then feeding it into the canvas element in a manner similar to the example just above.

In [13]:
wid_canvas = CanvasImage(data_image)

wid_canvas.border_color = 'black'
wid_canvas.border_width = 2


Modifying the image data in place is as easy as any other notebook widget.

In [14]:
data_image_2 = read('images/Doberman.jpg') = data_image_2

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